My name is Tyler Veness. I'm an embedded software engineer with a
passion for controls engineering and teaching software/controls engineering
to high schoolers in the FIRST Robotics
Most of my free time is devoted to writing software for robotic
applications. I contribute to WPILib, I wrote a book on
modern control theory, and I do numerical optimization
A portfolio of my projects is available on GitHub.
- A linearity-exploiting sparse nonlinear constrained optimization
problem solver that uses the interior-point method
- Written in C++23
- Uses custom symbolic autodiff with linearity detection to cache
- Uses Eigen for
sparse linear algebra
- Beats CasADi + Ipopt by 24.52x
on quadratic problems and by 3.39x on nonlinear problems
Controls Engineering in FRC
- A practical guide to controls engineering for high school
- Covers:
- Fundamentals of control theory
- Modern control theory (state-space, LQR)
- Kalman filters
- System modeling (Newtonian and Lagrangian mechanics)
- Motion planning (1 DOF profiles, trajectory optimization)
- The latest PDF is available here
- A C++ and Java library used by about 3000 high school FIRST Robotics
Competition teams
- Helped modernize C++/Java code base and APIs (JDK 11, C++20)
- Maintained and contributed heavily to wpimath
subproject and facilitated community contributions
- Maintained style guide for WPILib projects and wrote wpiformat
Python module to automate conformance
- Used Google's, clang-format, and custom checks and